Visual Identity
Mascot Design
Logo Design

Misfits, a community-driven hobby club platform tackling loneliness in busy cities, connects people through shared passions. It empowers users to form real-world friendships by encouraging offline activities and fostering a sense of belonging within safe and inclusive spaces. Leveraging technology to combat isolation, especially amongst young adults, Misfits aspires to make offline social interactions the norm.

Our focus for Misfits was on developing a robust brand identity that encapsulates their core values and mission. This included the creation of a versatile logo and a dynamic mascot that could represent the diverse range of activities facilitated by the platform. The brand identity needed to be warm, welcoming, and energetic, appealing to a broad audience while ensuring scalability and adaptability.

Visual Identity

We designed a word mark that conveys a sense of community and inclusivity. To further embody the spirit of Misfits, we created a mascot that is both welcoming and adaptable. This mascot serves as a unifying symbol for the platform, easily customisable to represent different hobbies and interests. Together, they form a complete logo that is scalable, to fortify its adaptability for various formats and activities without losing its impact.

The overall brand identity was crafted to be fun and engaging, aligning with Misfits’ core values of belonging, community, and safety. To achieve this, a core colour palette of blue, black, and white was established to ensure minimal clashes with existing club branding or partner venues. This foundation is complemented by an extensive secondary palette, allowing for easy customisation and visual variety across the platform. The visual elements were designed to be easily recognisable and appealing, ensuring that the brand stands out across various touch points.

The development of the logo and mascot has successfully positioned Misfits as a fun, inclusive, and high-quality platform for community-building. The brand identity resonates well with the target audience, providing a solid foundation for Misfits to grow and expand. With a strong and adaptable visual identity, Misfits is well-equipped to foster real-world connections and enhance the social lives of its users.